Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WIP Wednesday Share

Oh man, I've been so busy today I almost forgot to share.  First of all, I'm so sad to say that I was so busy yesterday I missed a really cool webinar I had signed up for.  I was really looking forward to it, too. But I'm pretty sure it will be on the website so I can watch it, just can't ask questions - Rats!  And I always have questions...

I also finished "Drops of Jupiter," binding and all.  I'm really happy about that one.  I did a little something different with the binding and I'm really pleased with it.   I don't have a photo, though, no time.

I did start on my tree, which I've been dying to work on.  I was reading a blog by Terry Aske and she is doing a series of trees.  It reminded me that I've really been wanting to do trees, too, as I am a complete tree freak.  But I have been looking and thinking for a long time and until recently couldn't come up with anything.  BOOM - the universe stepped in, and now I have several ideas, so what the heck, I'm going to do them all...Here is the sketch/template for the first one:

 I'm so excited about this; I'm using aboriginal fabrics for the trunk, that's all I know - haven't figured out the canopy yet...but one step at a time, right?  Anyway, that's my WIP Wednesday.  


And if anyone is taking the tutorial, I published a second part yesterday.  Let me know, please, if anything is confusing or just plain WRONG!  I strive for perfection, but haven't reached it yet, ever!

Also, check out yesterday's blog, "Give Us This Day Our Daily Walk,"  it has some good info!

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